As Seen in Kiplinger: How Coordinating Your Financial Life Can Lead to a More Prosperous Retirement
As seen in

“Our number one goal has always been to make a difference in our clients’ lives.” -Tatyana Bunich, President and Founder of Financial 1 Wealth Management Group.
The devil’s in the details. That’s a lesson learned the hard way by many investors who thought their financial planner had dotted every I and crossed every T, only to find their nest egg wasn’t adequate to achieve their goals. Perhaps it wasn’t protected from inflation or avoidable taxes, making it unable to provide an income that could be depended on throughout retirement.
“Unless someone is coordinating your investment strategy with your tax, risk management and estate plans, important details can slip through the cracks,” says Tatyana Bunich, president and founder of Financial 1 Wealth Management Group, an independent Registered Representative in Columbia, Maryland.