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Financial 1 Wealth

Our priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family.

Schedule Your complimentary Strategy Session

We work with individuals and families who have worked a lifetime, concerned about the possibility of running out of money during retirement — and who fear taxes and costs will negatively impact their legacy to loved ones or charities.

Schedule an appointment

Choose Zoom, phone, or in-office appointments. Schedule with us by phone or our convenient online calendar. We have offices in the DC-Baltimore area in Maryland, and in the Miami Metro area in Florida.

Watch Founder's Video

Podcast: Essential Estate Planning Tips


New Book "Strategic Wealth: How to Increase Investment Returns by Decreasing Your Tax Liability"

New Book! "Strategic Wealth"

Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

Every day, millions of people unknowingly make financial decisions that limit their future potential. Whether it’s inadequate tax planning, overlooked investment opportunities, or failing to secure a comprehensive estate plan, these missteps can cost you and your family dearly.

Strategic Wealth: How to Increase Investment Returns by Decreasing Your Tax Liability by Tatyana Bunich & Sammy Spern was written to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your financial destiny. This is more than just a book—it’s a blueprint for building the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Order the New Book (available now on Amazon).

About the Book

Helping Preserve Your Wealth 


  • Disability Income Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term-Care Insurance


  • Bonds
  • Common Stock
  • Educational IRA
  • Traditional IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Simple IRA
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Treasury Bills
  • Government Securities
  • Treasury Notes
  • Variable Annuity

Financial Planning

  • Retirement Plans
  • Tax Plans
  • 401(k) Planning
  • 403(b) Planning
  • College Plans
  • Estate Plans
  • Money Purchasing Plans
  • Profit Sharing Plans

Let's Discuss!

Call 410-908-9293

As seen in

Kiplinger Feature of Financial 1

Work with our team of financial professionals to help you address:

  • Investing principles and strategies
  • Retirement investing and distribution strategies
  • Estate conservation issues
  • Risk management

Let's Talk Strategy

Create One Complete Roadmap

At Financial 1 Wealth we understand you may experience the same anxiety, which is why our top priority is to help preserve your wealth. In addition to providing you with investment and tax strategies we will coordinate all areas of your financial life from analyzing your insurance coverage to assisting with estate and trust needs. This collaborative approach insures that each party is working in harmony with the other to create one complete roadmap.

We believe managing all of the moving pieces reduces stress and can help you create a clear vision for your future.

About Financial 1

Watch Our Videos | Tips and Strategies:

Apple Stock Example Video

Offsetting Stock Gains for Taxes

Inheritance Stretch Video

Inheritance and Your Legacy

Charitable Contributions Video

Charitable Contributions

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